Meet the committee
The FOSJL committee is a volunteer group of parents and staff working together to promote greater links between home and school, encourage all parents to become involved in the school community and raise funds for the school.
Chair: Yvonne Wimbleton (standing down 23/24)
Co-Chair: Neil Montgomery
Treasurer: Ms Beatrice Merrick (standing down 23/24)
Joint Treasurer: Andrew Bresler
Secretary: Zoe Patel
Shadow Secretary: Mrs Carla Ryan-Griffiths (standing down 23/24)
Phil Newbery: Head Teacher
Non-Committee Roles:
Lead for Easy Fundraising – Aya Wrenn
Lead for Raffles – Andrea Durden
Committee Member to lead on Communications and Social Media
We are looking for someone to help create newsletter content and produce marketing assets to post on Facebook and X to help promote our various fundraising events and other fundraising initiatives. Please contact us at if you can help.