Literacy underpins students’ achievement in all curriculum areas, and in adult life. This is because students will primarily learn and understand through either reading or listening, and will demonstrate their learning through writing or speaking. GCSE qualifications in many subjects award marks for the accuracy of students’ spelling, punctuation, and grammar, so exam success can depend on students being able to communicate clearly and accurately.
Gathered here is a collection of resources to help you support your child’s literacy needs. The resources are designed to be handy (but not comprehensive!) guides to supporting and developing key areas of literacy such as spelling, proof-reading, and reading for pleasure.
I will be regularly adding to the collection of resources, so please do keep checking back to this section of the website. If you have any feedback or queries, please contact me:
Follow us on Twitter @literacyatsjl for the very latest recruitment information, advice and guidance.
Mr C Herbert
Literacy coordinator
Literacy links to guides and challenges
Harry Styles corrects a fan's grammar
The 50 books every child should read
The SJL guide to encouraging your child to read for pleasure
The SJL guide to finding your child's next book
The SJL guide to learning how to spell tricky words
The SJL guide to proof-reading your work
The SJL guide to some of the school competitions
The SJL guide to when to use an apostrophe
Year 7 reading challenge - extreme twelve before you're twelve
Year 7 reading challenge - twelve before you're twelve