Exam & Key Stage Results - 2024
GCSE headline figures
Sir John Lawes | National | |
Progress 8 | 0.79 | 0 |
Attainment 8 | 62.16 | TBC |
% students achieving 4+ in both English and Maths | 89% | TBC |
% students achieving 5+ in both English and Maths | 76% | TBC |
EBacc average points | 5.59 | TBC |
% students achieving EBacc (at C/5+) | 35% | TBC |
% students entering EBacc | 46% | TBC |
% of students remaining in education or employment after KS4 | 97% | 93% |
Please note that the above data does not include the outcomes of recently remarked examination scripts.
A detailed breakdown of our 2024 Key Stage 4 results by subject can be downloaded below:
View Our Secondary Performance Tables
KS5 (A Level and equivalent) headline figures
Sir John Lawes | National | |
A Level entries at grades A* - A | 41% | 28% |
A Level entries at grades A* - B | 69% | 54% |
A Level entries at grades A* - E | 99% | 97% |
Average grade in best 3 A Levels | B+ (41.7 points) | TBC |
Average A Level grade | B (40.7 points) | TBC |
Academic average grade | B (40.9 points) | TBC |
Applied General average grade | Distinction (33.0 points) | TBC |
A Level course completion | 97% | 94% |
Academic course completion | 97% | 95% |
Applied course completion | 83% | 87% |
Student destinations after KS5 Degree Higher Apprenticeship Other study at L4 or L5 Data not captured |
86% 1% 2% 11% |
66% 2% 3% 29% |
Please note that the above data does not include the outcomes of recently remarked examination scripts.
A detailed breakdown of our 2024 Key Stage 5 results by subject can be downloaded below:
View our Sixth Form Performance Tables