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Some Year 8 students have been exploring the beauty of Japanese fish painting in art class, using intricate drawing and painting techniques to produce stunning artwork - simply fin-tastic!


The annual SJL Gym and Dance display will take place on Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 February, showcasing the incredible skills, creativity and hard work of our amazing students - an event not to be missed! Tickets are available now on ParentPay.


Catch up with everything that’s been happening at SJL this week with a roundup from Headteacher Mr Newbery. Plus, the latest SJL Newsletter is out now…


Our Year 11 students are busy working on their GCSE free composition, combining their own instruments with digital programmes Sibelius and Garage Band. Their compositions will showcase both their skill and creativity, and we can't wait to hear them!


Year 11 Netball 🏐 This afternoon the year 11 netball team played Beaumont in a league game. A tight game which finished in a draw 16-16. Well done to all the girls who played and player of the match Lizzie 👏🏼


Click the link below to watch the upper school production of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night–Time which our students performed last November - what a fantastic play, so much talent and hard work from the student cast and crew!


Year 10 GCSE History students & some KS3 students had an incredible experience at a brilliant hands-on hosted by historian Dr. Bill Smith, delving into the real-life story of WWII hero Arthur Cornell - helping to build a deeper understanding of this time in history


We are excited to welcome Year 11 students and guests to our Post-16 Information Evening. You will have received an email outlining your personalised schedule of talks to attend and we look forward to showing you around. Please note, registration to attend the evening has closed


Year 7 students have been tackling the tricky world of multiplying decimals in maths class today - plenty of focus, determination and problem solving!


Reminder to Year 11 parents that booking for online Parents’ Evening closes tomorrow, Wednesday 15 January, at 6pm.


We are looking forward to welcoming students to our Post-16 Information Evening on Wednesday - check out this video for a taster of life in our Sixth Form...


Year 7 Basketball 🏀 SJL 47 - 10 Aldwickbury An impressive start to the year 7 Basketball season with students putting on a well rounded display of both offence and defence! Points shared around the team too! Next up Verulam (A)


We are collecting empty plastic tubs to help raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support - the tubs will be sold to a recycling organisation with money raised going to the charity. Students can hand them in to form tutors or at reception. Please bring them in by Friday 31 January.


A perfect way to start the week. Pre-school Badminton Club. A healthy body is a healthy mind.


Some fantastic books on their way!


A word from Headteacher Mr Newbery as we welcome all students back from the Christmas break and end our first week in the new spring term. Plus, our latest SJL Newsletter is out now-


House Points - at SJL we take every opportunity to celebrate the effort and achievements of our students through Merit Marks, ACE Cards, Faculty Commendations and Head’s Commendations - as we start the Spring term the current House Points tally stands at...


Year 9 students were mastering new skills in Food Technology class, learning the art of baking - mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough and creating their designs ready to bake. The room smelt amazing as they came fresh out the oven!#bakingbread


Reminder to Year 11 parents that booking for online Parents’ Evening opens today at 6pm.


Year 11 students were learning about the titration technique in science class - using it to determine the concentration of an unknown vinegar solution.


Parents’ Evening for Year 9 will take place on Tuesday 4 February 2025 online via SchoolCloud. Further information about SchoolCloud and how to book your appointments will be sent home.


Term Date Reminder - Monday 6 January 2025 is an INSET day, school will be closed to students. Tuesday 7 January, students return to school. Term dates can be found on the school website


Wishing everyone a fabulous Christmas - celebrate the festive season with our wonderful Christmas Concert, watch it here:


Vacancy - we have exciting opportunities available here at Sir John Lawes to join our outstanding team - apply now


Take a look at just some of the amazing highlights from the Autumn term - thank you to our amazing students, staff and SJL community!

Helping You To Help Your Child

Here are some practical ideas for helping your child to learn.

The strategies and techniques are all tried and tested and based on research.

It is an advantage for students to develop good learning techniques as soon as possible. In year 7 they are useful: by year 11 they are essential.

We have included tips and techniques for parents and children to share and try out together. We hope you'll enjoy doing some of the things in this guide.

And remember…

We learn best when:

  • We are relaxed but a bit puzzled or challenged
  • We are well hydrated
  • We use techniques which maximise the brain's natural preferences for pattern, colour and novelty
  • We do things ourselves
  • We talk about and explain what we do
  • We are well rested
  • We exercise regularly
  • We are encouraged and praised


Planning family time

Hot tip: Plan the family diary together.

Help your children to manage their time. They need to allow time during the evenings and weekends for homework. How does this fit in with their other activities and family events? Your children have a homework timetable. For year 7 students about one hour a night is scheduled.

A simple but effective system is for students to have a short break when they get home from school, but then to get straight on with homework before doing anything else.

Hot Tip: Use mealtimes to find out about your child’s day

Research shows that the children of families who eat together do better in exams. Even time in front of the television can provide a stimulus for debate and discussion. Chatting about the day's events helps all of us. We all learn better when we explain things to other people, so by chatting about something the children have done at school you can reinforce learning.


V. A. K learning

There are three main ways to learn and some students have strong preferences towards one style:

  • Visual (seeing things)
  • Auditory (hearing things)
  • Kinaesthetic (doing things).

Example: you have to learn a list of French vocabulary

Visual learner: likes to make a colour-coded list with some little pictures

Auditory learner: prefers to make a tape and chant out the words

Kinaesthetic learner: associates the words with actions and acts them out

In practice, most of us seem to be a bit of a mixture and to learn best when we combine the three styles.



Reading is a fun and enriching experience for many of us. In addition there are strong links between love of reading and academic success. The English faculty and the Library staff work constantly to encourage enjoyment of reading. Students have one reading-related homework per week. Parents can support this by:

  • Encouraging your children to enjoy reading for fun
  • Have a light touch - don't be judgemental
  • Everything counts: sports reports, magazines, websites
  • Help them choose books and magazines
  • Encourage them to get books from the school library/local libraries
  • Encourage them to join the school Reading Group
  • Let them see you enjoying reading
  • Audio books are a good way of entertaining children in the car
  • Talk about books
  • Books make great presents.

Hot Tip: Reading the same book as your child enables you to engage in discussion with them.

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