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Come and find out what is troubling Christopher so much!Get your tickets to The Upper School Production of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night–time. Tuesday 26, Wednesday 27 & Thursday 28 November at 6.30pm. Tickets £7.50 each, available now on ParentPay.


Here’s our display for - featuring books about inspirational men 📚🚹


Reminder to Year 13 parents that booking for online Parents’ Evening opens today at 6pm.


After competing in a first round heat, our amazing Year 12 debating team made it through to the second round of the ESU Schools' Mace debating competition, the oldest schools' debate competition in the world - they worked so hard and were brilliant, well done!


Recently some Year 7 students were tackling a math challenge involving the volume of water using their problem solving skills to work out the equation, then Mr Allen brought learning to life by demonstrating the answer!


It’s pre-production week and the cast are running the first section of the play ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime’ 🐕


Christmas lunch - Wednesday 11 DecemberIf you would like your child to have Christmas lunch, please make payment of £4 via ParentPay by Monday 25 November.We will not be able to offer any other food on the day so those not having Christmas lunch must bring in lunch from home.


Some Sixth Form students engaged in a talk with - one of Britain’s most influential opinion researchers. Joe shared inspiring insights in a series of talks to students studying Maths, Psychology and Business, offering real-world examples to help enrich their studies.


SJL Concert Band rehearsing hard tonight in preparation for the Christmas concert on 18th December 🎵


Our KS4 Sax group having their last rehearsal before our inaugural Chamber Concert next week, and sounding fabulous! Do come and hear them and other SJL Chamber groups at St Nicholas Church, 19th Nov, 7pm. Entry free


It's showtime!Tickets are now on sale for our upper school performance of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night–Time. On Tuesday 26, Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 November at 6.30pm.Tickets are £7.50 each, available on ParentPay.


Catch up with everything that’s been happening at SJL this week with a roundup from Headteacher Mr Newbery.Plus, the latest SJL Newsletter is out now…


Today Year 11 Drama students have been rehearsing their devised pieces for the GCSE showcase, where they will be assessed on their acting or design ability.


Year 12 enjoyed an interesting talk from the this morning. The presentation covered the benefits of university, life in Birmingham, the opportunities that university brings and tips on personal statements and applications.#SJLfutures


Reading Week - our school library is the perfect place to find your next read and our fantastic Librarian is always on hand with amazing recommendations, there really is something for everyone!


Cutting flowers in November! Clearing leaves too.


Reminder to Year 7 parents that booking for online Parents’ Evening closes tomorrow, Thursday 14 November, at 6pm.


It’s reading week across SJL this week, an opportunity for students to prioritise reading in all their subjects. We really value the importance of reading to support students’ wellbeing, their understanding of the world and vocabulary development.Happy reading!


Year 11 students kicked off the morning with inspiring workshops from exploring revision strategies for their GCSEs. In the afternoon they joined our 'Futures Fair,' where sixth form students shared insights and advice on post-GCSE options.#sjlenrichmentday


Our Year 8 form groups have each selected their best ‘pitch’ and are ready to face the Dragons where they’ll try to persuade them to ‘invest’ in their greener ideas for the school. Good luck!


Year 7 students are diving into activities and challenges that build essential skills for the future, then putting these new skills to the test by designing a job advert for the Step into the NHS competition - a chance to get creative and work as a team.#sjlenrichmentday


Some fantastic Dragen’s Den pitch’s taking shape by Year 8 students with lots of fantastic ideas to help SJL become a greener school.


Our Year 10 students are engaging in workshops with where they’re uncovering the science of learning and exploring practical strategies to make revision and independent study more effective.#sjlenrichmentday


Year 9 students are rotating through a carousel of workshops where teachers will share experiences of their careers before teaching - they will discuss opportunities and dive into hands-on activities, tasks and challenges to explore those career paths.#sjlenrichmentday


Year 8 students are learning about global warming and the concept of ‘think global, act local.’ Later they'll work in teams to research a Dragons’ Den style pitch of their best ideas on how SJL can go greener. We can’t wait to see what they come up with!

Pupil Premium at Sir John Lawes

Pupil Premium strategy and review


The government first introduced the Pupil Premium in April 2011. This additional funding was allocated to the school to spend on children from low-income families who were known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children in Local Authority Care. Subsequently the eligibility criteria expanded to include (i) all students who had been in receipt of Free School Meals at any time over the previous six years (FSM), (ii) all Children Looked After (CLA) who are in care of, or provided with accommodation by, the local authority and (iii) children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order. In addition, children of parents in the armed services (Service Child) attract funding at a rate of £320 per student for any child who was eligible for the premium at any point since 2011.

Academies and schools can select how best to deploy these extra resources.

Sir John Lawes School

At Sir John Lawes School, staff and governors are committed to ensuring that every student achieves her or his personal best and is able to move onto university, an apprenticeship or employment successfully. All of our work with students is underpinned by the Sir John Lawes ACE (Achievement, Care and Excellence).

Our work is informed by some of the research on how best to support students in receipt of pupil premium funding such as the ‘Education Endowment fund Teaching Toolkit’ and reports such as ‘Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils: articulating success and good practice’ (DFE:2015).

Links to these two sources of information can be found below:-

Education Endowment fund Teaching Toolkit

‘Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils: articulating success and good practice’ (DFE: 2015).

Monitoring and Impact

We monitor the progress of students in receipt of pupil premium funding through within-year data analysis, strategy team meetings to support promoting awareness and Co-curricular engagement, faculty and pastoral reviews and other self-evaluation processes such as learning walks and work scrutiny.  There is a link governor for Pupil Premium. As well as scrutinising data we use anonymised case studies to document the impact of interventions on an individual student.


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